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Q.1) What Are Dental Implants?
What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a common and permanent way to improve the stability of your mouth. Whether you wear removable dentures or have missing teeth, dental implants can provide you with a long-term, stable, and strong smile. Their impressive quality and durability has made them popular in the field of dentistry.
Losing natural teeth can slowly weaken your natural jawbone and your ability to chew. Additionally, it can negatively impact the way your face and smile look. If you’re searching for a smile-saver, dental implants may be your answer.

Q.2) What Do They Do?
What Do They Do?

The main goal of dental implants is to replace your teeth with new ones. Unlike dentures and bridges, dental implants do not need to be replaced as they are designed to last a lifetime.
Dental implants are typically made of a metal that fuses with your jawbone, otherwise known as titanium. They are bonded to your jawbone and are extremely strong. Implants will function and look just like your natural teeth; however, they will help prevent bone loss in your jaw.
Dental implants will also:

  • Provide a permanent anchor for any replacement teeth
  • Help maintain bone density
  • Improve stability of your mouth
  • Enhance and secure partial/full dentures
  • Save you bone structure

Contact Us! today for pricing, inquiries and to book a free dental implants consultation

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